Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sweet for my sweet Sucre for my honey...

So for the past month we´ve been taking it easy (easier) attempting to learn more Spanish, meeting random folk and nurturing a drinking problem. Amidst all the fun and frolics there have been tragic consequences on the lead up to the Carnival with the youth of today. We headed out one evening with good intentions to either keep drinking until we A: Fall over, B: Puke, or C: Fall over and puke, and if all goes to plan we´ll end up laughing like a couple of twots. This was not meant to be. As we approached the entrance to the street we heard low murmurs accompanied by a sense of unknown dread...they had surrounded us. The streets lay strewn with the bodies of the recently wounded, moaning in the darkness, the Carnival was here...and so were the waterbombs.  Endless waterbombs... disproportionately aimed at the others (foreigners)... were relentless, it was fight or flight... 

We looked at each other, "Let em have it!"

(In reality we shrank back inside, but that´s a rubbish story...or did we?...we did)

Nannan Pat

Tinks Christmas present sorted!

Plaza 25 de Mayo

Charlie and Kathleen, start of the last night
out withour buddies before they buggered
 off to La Paz. Scoundrels...
Jabba and Salacious B Crumb

Another quality photo of Ben!


The lovely Kathleen...

Laid back vibe

Em dropped her pint...

Laid back vibe 2

Em pretending to read in our courtyard

Eiffel tower, Parque Boliviar

"It's just, I'd like to learn kickboxing to protect myself,
 I just don't have the time. So, basically, what this is,
 is just a rather efficient time-saving device."

If any of those little b*stards water bomb me 

Andrea our Spanish teacher


Spotting Dinosaur footprints at Parque Cretacico. Found in 85 by some blokes from the cement factory next door.  As soon as we entered the park we were ushered into a small dark room to watch the BBCs walking with Dinosaurs on a small TV. Hi tech...

flat tyre-anasaurus rex


Doyathinkhesarus rex

I Dino how he does it

Ian thats not a toilet mate

Em: "How sexy am I?Ian: "Very, very, you look
 good. You look really; it's good it's nice, it's nice 
cos you know you don't want to look like you
 made too much of an effort.
Em: "I'll change my dress."

Eyes wide shut...


The lovely Candy...

Day after...´resolve!´
So we´re off to Santa Cruz soon to take in the tropical climate, a head start before we enter the Amazon basin for a month volunteering at an animal rescue centre in the rainforest (with no electricity, hot water but plenty of mosquitoes!) Wish us luck...we´ll do a small post before we leave Santa Cruz as we´ll also be without the internet for a while...Muchos love!