Wednesday 29 May 2013

Trekking in the Cordillera Blanca...

So after sandboarding we thought we´d get back into the mountains and do a little trekking in Huaraz, Cordillera Blanca, the second highest mountain range in the world after the Himalayas. We weren't physically prepared for a 10 day stretch in the mountains so we opted for a day hike to get to the beautiful Laguna 69. After a 3 hour drive and a 3 hour trek up to the laguna it was well worth it!

First things first though, Em needed a new hairdo cos her dreadlocks were getting outta control, we opted for pigtails, or rather she forced Ian to learn how to do it so he'd be able to do ponytail plaits in the future...A game.
Ian spent a fun evening learning to plait Emmas hair...

On the way up we passed this lovely Laguna Chinancocha 

The final ascent before we reach 69...

Our first glimpse...

Not bad for a lake...

Em just catching a few seconds of micro sleep...


View on the way back down...pretty darn lovely...

We're on our way north to the beaches of Peru...Ians going to work on his tan, or something...Speak soon amigos...

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